From Sensei

Sensei's Reflections

If I had fainted every time one lied to me, broke a promise, or betrayed the way, I would have fainted into obscurity and the weight of the days would have overwhelmed my stance on issues of right and wrong and challenge the sense of fairness in all and to all.

We must define our selves in what we stand for, we must defend, protect, and guard. Freedoms are many but none would have any essence without knowledge and none to knowledge without wisdom. We must not confuse variety with having a real choice.  

The essence of the Arts is having the promise that you can, and the humility to bow to victory.

-Sensei Sabah Saud September 2007

Sensei's Points

  • Not all things visible are what they appear to be.
  • What might be invisible to you may be visible to others.
  • Vision requires depth from time passed and width for time to come.
  • Fear is a circuit breaker to all control instruments needed to form a plan.
  • An achieved karate-ka endures to the end, motivated by his own empowerment to achieve the impossible.
  • Humility is a true reflection of internal power.
  • Age is not a number. Aging is a process which can not be counted. It’s the state of your physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual age.
  • Acquire the wisdom to assign the right tool to the right task.
  • Do not ever compete to the bottom always compete to the top.
  • Do not ever submit to the illusion that you own time, yet it is your most precious commodity.

Quotes from Sensei

No Path that would labor you to achieve moral, ethical, honorable, composite with the spirit of giving, is ever easy. No journey will arm you with silent wisdom, harmony, and humility, is ever short or just a summary. Karate-do is such a path and such a journey.

-Sensei Sabah Saud – 2018


Real courage is the extent of the pain you are willing to endure, not how much pain you put others through.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

There will be no place to stand if you do not stand for what is right.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Life is a gift you must cherish, It’s measure is by what it produces in gifts to others.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Life is a journey. Make sure you know where you are and where you are going.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Never surrender to your fears. They are by far your worst adversary.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Tap into the real source of power, the charity of giving, humility in victory, and your reflective silence in the heart of a storm.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

It is dangerous to believe one is protected when one is vulnerable.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

All senses can suffer “illusions,” and especially visual senses. Make sure your perceptions are not victims of illusion.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Not Everyone Is Endowed to Endure The Journey

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Not Everything That Has Wings Is An Eagle.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Make Sure To Find Your Center, and Achieve Your Sense of Balance. Maintain it and Observe it.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

No one is in charge of making you feel good. That is your charge. Others may share that feeling, but they cannot make it happen for you. And you should never empower anyone else to make you feel bad, sad, down, out or lost.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Endure What Is Productive For You.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Cherish Your Wellness On All Planes: Physical, Spiritual, and Intellectual.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

If you’re going to be cloudy, make sure you’re pregnated with life sustaining rain.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

If you’re going to be as a river, make sure you don’t overflow your banks, and kill the life around you.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

What ails us is not the problems around us, but the way we perceive them to be. Maybe we look back when we should look forward, left when we should be looking right and vice versa.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

As a day comes to its conclusion, ask what did you achieve? And so you must, every day.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

Let your head proceed every movement in thought and process, so you don’t get blind sided.

-Sensei Sabah Saud

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